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Nathan Cleary shuts down shoulder injury rumour, did Storm wrestling tactics cause injury, latest news #adessonews

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Penrith stat Nathan Cleary has poured cold water on suggestions his shoulder injury was a result of an illegal wrestling move by Melbourne’s Josh King, with the Storm prop declaring that sort of tackle happens “multiple times a game”.

The Panthers halfback was forced off in their round 24 clash clutching his left shoulder – the same one that troubled him in the pre-season – with Cleary missing the final three games of the regular season.

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He has since returned and has dominated the finals with two outstanding performances, with his shoulder to be tested at times by the Storm on Sunday night in the decider.

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There were suggestions earlier in the week that the Panthers were privately angry at the tackle, but Cleary insists he has no issue with the contact that looked perfectly legal.

“I didn’t even think about it at the time. It was one of those unlucky positions,” he said on Thursday afternoon at a press conference featuring the coaches and some of the grand final stars.

Nathan Cleary hurt his shoulder against the Storm in round 24. Picture: Brendon Thorne/Getty ImagesSource: Getty Images

“It’s just an injury. It was unfortunate. A lot of things have to happen and it’s a contact sport, so I don’t even think about it like that.”

King scoffed at claims there was anything sinister about the tackle near halfway that left the Penrith halfback in agony.

The Storm’s wrestling tactics often come up this time of year in an attempt to rattle them, but most people in the game think that this was simply a footy accident.

“I certainly wasn’t trying to do any wrestling moves or anything like that that people have come out and said,” he said.

“I would assume that that sort of tackle would happen multiple times a game.

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“I don’t think there was anything in it and I certainly don’t have any grievances against Nathan.

“It is what it is.”

Cleary has no dramas with the Storm. Picture: Brendon Thorne/Getty ImagesSource: Getty Images

This won’t be the first time the Storm has come up against a halfback carrying a shoulder injury into the grand final, with players conceding they went away from their game plan when they targeted former teammate Cooper Cronk in 2018.

King was still at the Knights when that happened and isn’t buying into the hype that the Melbourne middles will pay Cleary any extra attention this time around as they look to end Penrith’s three-year premiership streak.

“I’m not on social media so I haven’t seen the reports about that,” he said.

“I think both sides’ forwards have the job to get the teams going forward. I don’t think there are any secrets about that.”

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